Sunday, May 27, 2007

48 Hours Christchurch Photo Finish

Some photos that were taken at the finish line of 48 Hours, last weekend:

To that kid that came screaming through the door with one second left on the clock (pictured in slideshow above): you made my fuckin year, dude! THAT moment is the complete reason I run this competition. To see a room full of people explode into spontaneous sustained cheering for nearly five minutes like that is one of the most awesome feelings I know of. I also totally get a kick out of knowing how much fun, anarchy and sheer creativity comes out of this single weekend.

Now, we await the judges decision.
Finalists announced on 3rd June - keep an eye on the countdown!
The Christchurch City Final is on 7th June, at Reading Cinema, where we announce all the prize winners and the film that will go head-to-head with the rest of the country's regional winners and Peter Jackson's Wildcards.

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