Sunday, March 12, 2006
Ninja Hacky-Sacking
"...the diffinitive cinematic statement about hacky sacking can be found in the early eighties character study masterpiece American Ninja.
John, the James Dean-esque rebel of an army platoon is standing around by his truck when a spontanious game of "sack" arises amongst some other officers. Suddenly the hacky sack is kicked to him! The group all turn their eyes to him. His eyes look to the ground, studying the object at his feet. The tension mounts. Join in? Stand his ground aloof? Give them the cold shoulder? The intertextural narrative of the scene perfectly sets up the later exposition of existential searching John must do as he tries to bridge the gap between his identity as an American and his powers as a Ninja. Seldom has film so eloquently used the past time of a leather pouch of sand being kicked to comment upon the duality of spirit amongst our brothers and sisters torn between social acceptance and their closet skills as stealth Ninjitsu.
(Recently posted on a chat-board I lurk on.)
The most eloquently, piss-yo-pants-funny comment I have read in ages!!! I was almost literally rolling on the floor!!!!!
John, the James Dean-esque rebel of an army platoon is standing around by his truck when a spontanious game of "sack" arises amongst some other officers. Suddenly the hacky sack is kicked to him! The group all turn their eyes to him. His eyes look to the ground, studying the object at his feet. The tension mounts. Join in? Stand his ground aloof? Give them the cold shoulder? The intertextural narrative of the scene perfectly sets up the later exposition of existential searching John must do as he tries to bridge the gap between his identity as an American and his powers as a Ninja. Seldom has film so eloquently used the past time of a leather pouch of sand being kicked to comment upon the duality of spirit amongst our brothers and sisters torn between social acceptance and their closet skills as stealth Ninjitsu.
(Recently posted on a chat-board I lurk on.)
The most eloquently, piss-yo-pants-funny comment I have read in ages!!! I was almost literally rolling on the floor!!!!!